Rock My World
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At 37, Cynthia Winterspoon is a self-made millionaire, more popular than Martha Stewart. Women love her decorating and recipe ideas for every season, geared toward shabby chic, affordable for the middle class. Cynthia lives by her motto: Make your life enjoyable. Except that her husband just left her for a woman barely out of high school, and is suing her for everything she has. The scandal's rocked her world, but nothing compared to the shakeup after she meets rock star Rex Reynolds.

Rex Reynolds, rock god and general mess, has everything he could possibly need -- except love. The real kind, that inspires the greatest love songs. An appearance on a late night talk show seems just another gig until he meets Cyn, the sweetest, kindest woman whose thoughtfulness touches his soul. When a motorcycle accident robs him of his memory, one image blazes bright in his mind: Cyn. He's convinced she's his fiancee. Now all that stands between him and true happiness is her hesitancy.

Can his amnesia help them both remember what's most important?
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