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Neal Marchal and Truly Lambert find themselves being presented with opportunities in the entertainment business neither dreamed possible. But they don't know if these are the right choices to make for their career. The money is impossible to turn down. Tru is confronted with paying for college and Neal faces the cost of surgery to repair the damage to her leg caused by her stepbrother's violent temper. They say yes to the offer and Tru winds up in Hollywood on a movie set while Neal winds up in a hospital operating room.
Even though Neal's stepbrother, Joe Kent, is in jail now awaiting trial for the murder of his sister, Shannon, he remains a presence in Neal's life. The memories of his brutality are never far away and come flooding back when a cable news show takes up Joe's cause to prove his innocence.
Through the successes and the set-backs, Neal and Truly draw closer. Does the hot upcoming singer, Sephira Knight, come between them? What about the movie offer Tru receives -- is he tempted? Does Neal's own movie project pull them apart?
And there's always the bĂȘte noir of Joe Kent, ready to rise up and ruin Neal's life once again.

Mature YA
The Bad Apple Series:
Bad Apple 1
Bad Apple 2--Burning Daylight
Bad Apple 3--Rise
Bad Apple 4--Certain
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