Reason With Honey
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    Contemporary Romance
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It had been a dream of Susan Webster's to act on the Broadway stage one day--and it was to achieve this dream that Susan, fresh out of college and an active participant of the Drama Club, decided to take up residence for the summer in Hillside, Pennsylvania, where a newly formed Community Playhouse was holding auditions for The Music Man. This was Susan's way of biding her time until she could move to New York and share her friend Judy's apartment--now over-flowing with several other girls.

Susan's arrangements to board with a young widow, Alice Bailey, worked out well, but it did not take long for the blonde-haired Susan to come down to earth with a thud--for the Community Playhouse was located in the high school and its director, Sam Forelli, taught business subjects to high school students. In spite of her disappointment, Susan tried out for and won the lead in The Music Man--at the same time winning the attentions of handsome Don Fredericks, the leading man.

But Susan's goals that a sudden twist when in order to supplement her income, she accepts a part-time job at the Hillside Free Library and realizes, to her growing consternation, that being involved with an innovative and dynamic community--can be as rewarding as a career in the theater.
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