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When she got to the glasshouse it was clear to her that the spirit haunting the dormitory would prevent her from getting what she wanted. She sat on the ground and said “Show yourself” a draft of cold wind started blowing and she said “Come here, I am not scared of you” the voice that answered was that of a woman “You should be” “Listen, when you decide you are mature enough to show yourself you know where to find me” She raised from the ground and walked towards the door “I am mature enough” Raven smiled and turned her face. In front of her stood a young woman in a short red dress, she had several knife wounds and her head was tilted to the right, Regan said “Stop the drama and tell me what you want from me” “I want you to avenge my death” “Tell me your name, I'll do what I can” “My name is Lily White” “Don't bother my roses” Raven went to her room and searched for the name Lily White and she found an article saying that she had disappeared on campus the 31st of October 2012. Nobody was charged with murder because there was no evidence and no body. She called her “Lily, I need to talk to you” and Lily came. Raven asked her “What do you remember about that night?” “I was a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha, one night at a party I drank a roofied beer and all I can remember were boys laughing as they raped me and then stabbed me” “Do you know where they dumped your body?” “Yes, I do” “Give me the location and let's hope the forensic team can gather enough evidence to charge somebody” “I was put in a plastic sheet and tied up with red duct tape” “Ok, let me do my job now” Raven ordered vases, soil, fertilizer and gardening utensils, then she ordered the roses. She was about to scrub the whole glasshouse when she saw some dry blood drops, she went around the working station and she found the Star of Solomon, or Pentacle made with what she thought was blood
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    • First Edition
    • Oct-2014
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1502833840
    • ISBN13: 9781502833846
    • Feb-2015
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1508615616
    • ISBN13: 9781508615613

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