Quarantined with Darcy
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Forced into quarantine together, will they be able to keep their hearts isolated?Confined at Netherfield with the imperious Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet thinks the edict to quarantine endangers her sanity. Unexpectedly, the increased time in Darcy's company reveals her heart is in grave danger, especially as her deepest secret precludes any chance of matrimony.Already bewitched by Elizabeth, Fitzwilliam Darcy recognizes her continued presence at Netherfield could destroy his plan to leave the area as a bachelor. However, he is helpless against the burgeoning love for her that grows with each passing day.How long will their quarantine last, and will their hearts be the only casualties?Quarantined with Darcy is the second installment in the Mayhem and Scandal collection of stand-alone Jane Austen-inspired stories that can be read in any order. If you like your dose of Darcy with a dash of danger and sweet, slow-burn romance, then download or buy today!
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    • First Edition
    • Oct-2022
    • Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
    • Trade Paperback

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