Purple Mountains Majesty
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Over population and the wanton neglect of treating sludge beds of chemical and raw sewage along the Pacific and Atlantic seaboards have served to promote the direst ecological disaster of the century.The sludge, in its monstrous growth, has become one large mass extending from Vancouver to Mexico and from Nova Scotia to the Florida Keys, infecting the Gulf States as well. The mass off the coast of Nova Scotial pursues an inland course through the St. Lawrence Seaway, thereby infecting the Great Lakes region.The effect of the sludge are both visible to the eye and devastating to the respiratory system. A brown haze, similar to smog is the first sign to greet the inhabitants of the Seaboards and Lake regions. A hideous odor follows that burns the eyes and throat tissue, followed by nausea and dizziness.Two families out of millions forced to flee their homes, the Daltons from Santa Ana, California, and the Bremmers from Chicago, encounter life threatening circumstances on thei
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    • May-2011
    • PublishAmerica
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1456091832
    • ISBN13: 9781456091835

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