Proof that Ghosts Exist
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Molly and Adam aren't thrilled about their dad's upcoming birthday. Whether it's a family curse or just bad luck, the Barnett males have a distressing tendency to drop dead the day before they turn 35. Their mom has a plan, though: a trip to the family's lakeside cottage. It's a great ideaÂ...until weird things start happening. A problem at work means Mom can't go. Grandfather's creepy old desk and papers appear in Molly's bedroom. A freak fall leaves Dad with a badly sprained ankle. Everyone blames Molly for the accident, saying she screamed for help while swimming in the lake, but Molly knows it never happened. Things go from bad to worse when a strange nurse named Reggie Crankshaft shows up out of the blue to offer his help. As Molly and Adam struggle to make sense of the odd events and figure out what really happened at the lake, their efforts to protect their father grow ever more desperate. This rip-roaring ghost story leaves readers eagerly awaiting the next installment.
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    • First Edition
    • Jul-2008
    • Key Porter Books
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1554700140
    • ISBN13: 9781554700141

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