Promise the Moon
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The Grandees:
Scarred by his father's rejection, Garrett Montez prefers a life of solitude on the prosperous ranch he's built on land bequeathed him by his grandfather. When his housekeeper quits, he is desperate to find another, but not the beautiful woman with gentle eyes and a sweet smile who arrives on his doorstep. Neither his ranch nor his heart needs the kind of trouble she could cause.
With nowhere to go, Neely O'Conner must find a job, but handsome and rugged Garrett Montez rejects her the minute he lays eyes on her. More determined than ever, she offers to work for a month without pay, hoping time will change his mind.
Does a mysterious woman hold the key to Garrett's love, or can Neely crack through his iron-encased heart and…Promise the Moon?
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