Payback and a Bottle of Merlot
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Mia James almost had it all… At thirty, she was a successful photographer with the craziest but most loyal friends in the world and a wonderful life in a picturesque village. The only things missing were a husband and a brood of kids. Love happens when you least expect it, her mom always said. An appointment to show her photography portfolio brought her front and center with Jack Barnes, a gorgeous, successful Manhattan businessman. Mia was smitten, and they married less than a year later. Unfortunately, the marital bliss she craved never showed up. Jack, the controlling absentee husband, had a secret: someone else was occupying his mind and bed. Mia had no idea until a chance sighting revealed the real Jack with his mystery woman. Payback was definitely in order and way overdue. With a little help from her friends and a lot of Merlot, Mia was on a mission to take Jack down. With hilarious speed bumps, hiccups, and crazy calamities along the way, Mia's ridiculous plot for payback turned into a chance for unexpected friendships and real love.
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    • Mar-2015
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1505835674
    • ISBN13: 9781505835670

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