Past the Shadowed Shore
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They had no idea how many lives they would touch… Almost a decade after losing his wife, Frank Van der Haas feels like life is over. His boys are grown; his job doesn't interest him; he's lonelier than he'll admit; and he can't quite find reason to get up in the morning. When his oldest son invites him to visit on St. Ninian's Island, Frank thinks he'll apologize for his terrible parenting, not find a new reason to go on. Vera Boone, a friend of Frank's son, has lost her grandfather, who played the role of father all her life, and when her friends discover Frank is traveling to St. Ninian's, they conspire to send her along, thinking she needs a change, that more than grief is bogging her down. They don't expect to meet God on the island, to find renewal for their faith. They don't expect to find Levi and Opal, a staffer and a guest who've lost hope in romance and happily ever after. They especially don't expect to end up in the middle of a battle between the owner of the island and his brother, nor do they know that battle on the island often leads to crises and danger. But their expectations mean nothing, because God has plans for this lost pair and for the lives they're about to touch on their journey. St. Ninian's Sanctuary series, small-town contemporary Christian romance with a mysterious island twist.
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