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Amanda Obermann, Code Name Iris, hasn't had the easiest life. Her father, a corrupt government agent, died when she was a baby, and she was raised by her mentally unstable mother. She's also a member of Annum Guard, a secret government organization that travels through time to alter the course of history. But on her last mission, Amanda made a horrible mistake. She traveled to the past and accidentally caused the death of her boyfriend Abe's grandfather -- completely erasing Abe from existence and launching herself into a parallel universe where her father is very much alive. Desperate to set things right, Amanda is forced to go on the defensive. She must play a dangerous cat-and-mouse game with her own father as she navigates an unfamiliar Annum Guard in order to save Abe. But the further in she gets, the more she realizes that nothing is as it seems. Her father isn't quite the monster she'd always assumed. Her mother is stable, healthy, and loving. She has real, genuine friends. Before she knows it, Amanda finds herself in an impossible predicament -- stay and live the life she's always wanted, or return to her own timeline to give Abe the life he deserves? In this gripping conclusion to the Annum Guard series, playing with time can have deadly consequences.
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    • First Edition
    • Dec-2017
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1979069387
    • ISBN13: 9781979069380

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