Paradigm Lost
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The FBI agent said all she had to do was sign some papers. She let him into her house. He declined the Danish. He declined the coffee. And then he shot her. Several times. Retired Agent Frank Talbot is fighting a receding hairline, former colleagues, a controversial past and an unidentified antagonist who's leaving a trail of empty wallets and ruined lives across present day South Florida. In a scathing indictment of federal law enforcement, Talbot brings a small cadre of friends to utilize information discovered by his recently formed intelligence group. His investigations lead into a host of fanciful felonies committed by his paranoid adversary, not the least of which are: a woman murdered over money she owes to the IRS, a widow who has lost her nest egg to a police lieutenant and a class action scam that has a federal judge livid. Talbot's attempt to find a simpler life gets tangled up with bullets, women and the President of the United States. About the Author: Hank Davis has been a Naval Officer, a police officer and the Director of Security for a South Florida bank; qualities that have brought to life the characters in Paradigm Lost. He and his wife live in Florida and in Maine.
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    • Jul-2007
    • Llumina Press
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1595267948
    • ISBN13: 9781595267948

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