One Before Bedtime
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Sometimes it took months, sometimes years, but when it struck, its victims stood no chance against it. When psychiatrist Dr. Anna Caruso learns that one of her patients has brutally murdered a teaching colleague with a fountain pen, she rushes to the scene. As she picks through the wreckage she runs into Milo Tucker, a Pulitzer Prize winning but disgraced journalist from the Miami Herald who has ended up writing for the local small town New Hampshire newspaper. “Tuck" sees this death as much more than it seems on the surface, and as a way back to a major paper. Anna Caruso, devastated, wants this to end here. But when more bizarre deaths occur, the trail leads to big pharma and beyond. Anna and Milo Tucker form an uneasy alliance in their search for the reasons behind these mysterious, unexplained deaths. The more they probe, the greater the danger they face, and the more shocking their discoveries.
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2012
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1105495604
    • ISBN13: 9781105495601

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