Oh Dear, Look What I Got!
  • Published:
    Apr-2025 (Hardcover)
    Apr-08-2025 (Release)
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    General Fiction
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The incomparable creative team behind We’re Going on a Bear Hunt reunite for a read-aloud comedy of misunderstandings that has all the hallmarks of a classic. I went to the shop to get me a carrot.Oh dear! They gave me . . .. . . a parrot.Oh dear! Look what I got.Do I want that? No, I do NOT! As a hapless boy goes from shop to shop, requesting a series of perfectly reasonable items—a hat, a coat, a cake, a chair—he finds himself thwarted at every turn, amassing instead a growing menagerie of animals who happily follow him on his errands. It’s not until he finally asks for a cup that he’s proffered a wriggly creature that solves his dilemma . . . or does it? Adding delicious momentum to Michael Rosen’s rhymes (and mastery of the page turn) are an expressive crew of animal characters rendered as only Helen Oxenbury can, making for a timeless story guaranteed to beg many repeat readings. Oh dear!
Age Level
People / Creatures
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    • First Edition
    • Apr-2025
    • Candlewick
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 1536235687
    • ISBN13: 9781536235685

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