Not Your Ordinary Hood Love
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Synopsis At the end of part 1, Ang, was shot and Rakia was kidnapped but who did it? What was the message Marco received and who sent it? With so much going on, enemies felt the time to attack, is soon and working on a plan to strike at any moment.Overwhelmed with everything that occurred in the last few days, Rakia, comes to the conclusion, that Marco doesn't love her; or does he. She tries to disappear to get her mind right but someone finds her and she ends up in the hospital; again.Marco, goes on the hunt for Zaire and when he finds him, the connection of why he entered Rakia's life, becomes clear. However, she has absolutely nothing to do with it.Tech, is going crazy, trying to figure out, who shot the cop car up, his wife was in. Unfortunately; the person hasn't made themselves known, which makes it harder for him to find them.Cara, is still on the road to destroy Rakia. However, she does something, that forces her to go into hiding; only to re appear and hit Rakia with some devastating news. With tempers flaring, jealousy at an ultimate high; who will be the last one standing?
People / Creatures
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    • First Edition
    • Dec-2017
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1981768629
    • ISBN13: 9781981768622

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