Nine Lives
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    Contemporary Romance
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Three teenage sisters didn't mean to destroy their family… Sisters Laina, Faith, and Sadie Nelson know they are to blame. There was no way to predict how their lives would shatter with just a few lies -- but they did, and now they fear the pieces are too many to pick up. Had their parents let them leave, their father wouldn't be behind bars… The girls just wanted to escape from their hyper-strict home and start lives of their own. If he'd just allowed them to spread their wings, their father wouldn't be serving thirty years for a crime he didn't commit. Sometimes you have to be creative to get your way, but creativity's not always what it's cracked up to be… With the lives of nine siblings hanging in the balance, what will it take for the girls to admit their deceit and recant their tales of abuse? And if they do, will there be any room for forgiveness? Family and friends are left to question everything they know about the legal system, social services, marriage, and family. Can anyone really be trusted? Can a family heal in the wake of false allegations, broken promises, and betrayal? Or is it too late…
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    • First Edition
    • Jan-2016
    • Limitless Publishing
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1680584758
    • ISBN13: 9781680584752
    • Feb-2016
    • Limitless Publishing LLC
    • eBook (Kindle)

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