My Heart Forever
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    Historical Romance
  • Time Period:
    19th Century Regency (1811-1820)
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In her latest Heart of a Duke installment, USA Today bestselling author Christi Caldwell takes readers along on her first foray into the paranormal genre. Join in a ghostly tale, where true love and happily-ever-after aren't just for the living. A Strange ExistenceLord Lionel Meadows had it all: a loving family, loyal friends, wealth, an earldom. In an instant, an act of violence took it all away. Relegated to an interminable half-life as a ghost, Lionel alone wanders the streets of London near his former home clinging to anything that makes him feel alive--that includes suffering through the notoriously bad musical performances given by the Caldecott family. Only, he soon discovers the sounds coming nearby aren't the mournful wails an instrument, but rather those belonging to a tempting, spirited young lady … and not only that, she can see him! Determined in DeathAn unexplained illness robbed Evie Caldecott of everything she dreamed of. She's left to mourn not only the family she left behind but also the future she yearned for. Until one day, Evie collides with a surly, brooding young gentleman—one who causes her frozen-still heartbeat to flutter. An Unconventional Love As Lionel and Evie begin navigating this in-between world together, their loneliness is replaced by joy in finding each other, and soon, friendship gives way to more. Will the demons Lionel and Evie carry keep them apart forever? Or is there the possibility of not only love but a future in the hereafter, together?
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