Murder on Broadway
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A Broadway murder is always news, but even more so when the victim is Buddy Barrett, the hottest director of elaborate musicals in 1925 New York City. He's a kid who has captured the fancy of the public with the nickname The Boy Wonder of Broadway. When Buddy is shot on stage during a rehearsal at the Crittendon Theater, it's Mike Fargo's job to wonder just who killed him.

Almost immediately, Fargo learns that while on the road to directing two major hits and working on a third, Buddy Barrett has been making enemies with the same speed that bootleg booze is flowing throughout the city. In fact, his abrasive personality has let to a second nickname â€" Buddy the Bastard. With no immediate suspects, Fargo begins digging into the boy wonder's past and soon finds he doesn't have one. It's almost as if he popped up out of the mist to take New York City by storm.

Murder on Broadway is more than just a who-done-it. It's also about finding who Buddy Barrett really was, a quest that leads Fargo to cross paths with a major crime boss as well as taking a trip to Atlantic City, where he finds his own life in danger. The surprising conclusion has Fargo questioning his ability as a homicide detective and is yet another crisp addition to The Mike Fargo Mysteries series.
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    • First Edition
    • Oct-2013
    • Bill Gutman
    • eBook
    • Oct-2016
    • Smashwords
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1370486758
    • ISBN13: 9781370486755

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