Moon Shot
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The list of people Dallas Longhorns manager Javi Flores hates is a short one, but sports agent Aerin Stone is right at the top. But that doesn't mean he hasn't noticed that she's sexy as hell, and he can't decide what he hates more: the woman herself, or how much he wants her. Because as much as she drives him crazy, he can't stop fantasizing about her. Aerin Stone is tired of being strong. As a successful sports agent at the top of her game, she spends her days fighting for her clients. But she spends her nights nursing her broken heart, trying to put the pieces of her life back together after her divorce. She's not looking for love, but when cocky, sex-on-a-stick Javier Flores offers her one night of incredible sex after a game of truth or dare, she jumps at the chance. For one night, she lets dominant Javi take over, and she's shocked to find that letting the sexy, dirty talking single dad boss her around is exactly what she needs. Even though they both hate how good it feels, one night isn't enough. Javi wants more. He wants everything…
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    • First Edition
    • Aug-2020
    • Independently published
    • Trade Paperback

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