Micah & Mrs. Miller
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    Paranormal Romance
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Meet Micah Kane. The second son, the helpful one, the protector of those he loves. He's never faced a challenge he couldn't overcome.

When the spirit fever struck a town, a village or an outpost, it left few if any survivors. The white man blamed the Indian saying they used their mojo on them. The Indians blamed the white man for angering the spirits. The survivors knew it didn't matter. The Fevered were forever changed.

A job that needs to be done...

With his older brother Sam preoccupied by the upcoming birth of his child and younger brother Kid recovering from his injuries, Micah Kane has never been so busy--too busy to go to San Antonio and escort home the new schoolteacher--but what his father wants, his father gets. Busy or not, one look at the exotic beauty with her rich European accent and he can't think of anything else.

A woman on the run...

Josephine Miller entered an arranged marriage on good faith. One year of misery later, she discovered a horrifying secret about her husband and fled west. Becoming a schoolteacher in a small Texas town seemed like the perfect way to disappear but Micah's touch awakens a desperate desire that she finds herself helpless to resist.

Darkness, danger and death lurking on the horizon...

An outbreak of the spirit fever, dangerous strangers in town and wild accidents at the Flying K threatening everything they care about, Micah must convince Jo that she doesn't have to run--together they can stand against any storm.

His code. Her secret. Their war.
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