Mermaid's Heart
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This is the second part of the Dark Sea Academy trilogy, and if you haven't read Mermaid's Song, you'll want to do that first. The following description contains spoilers for the first book.

What's the point of being a princess if the whole kingdom hates you?

Being a royal should make my life easier, but it only compounds my problems. When my father, the new King of Valora, succeeded the beloved King Tiberius, many of his subjects believed he killed my uncle just to gain the throne. His new policies only make the people hate him more.

Just my luck, they transfer their loathing onto me.

Even my best friend and my boyfriend aren't enough of a buffer, and I'm continually fending off verbal, and sometimes physical, attacks.

That's when my powers start growing...

When no one at the academy can -- or will -- help me learn about my new abilities, I begin to research them on my own. Modern answers seem to be entwined with a terrifying ancient legend.

If the lore is true, my destiny is far more tragic than my present problems. And I don't know if I can change it.

Or if I should even try.

Mermaid's Heart is part of a young adult paranormal mermaid series that features thrilling new mermaid lore, gripping supernatural drama, surprising twists, dynamic characters, page-turning suspense, and angsty romance. It's written by Stacy Claflin, a two-time USA Today bestselling author.

This is a tale for all ages â€" as long as you have an imagination and love surprises!

Book 1: Mermaid's Song
Book 2: Mermaid's Heart
Book 3: Mermaid's Wish

Stacy has more than 30 other books in the genre:
Valhalla's Curse series
Curse of the Moon series
The Transformed series
Several standalone stories

Click on any of the links above to see more books like this one.

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    • First Edition
    • Jul-2019
    • Stacy Claflin
    • eBook
    • Jan-2020
    • Stacy Claflin
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1393280404
    • ISBN13: 9781393280408

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