Memory Game
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She used to be a simple assassin. Those were the days...Mal's job used to be straightforward: find the people causing problems for Hades and give them a one-way ticket to his realm. But with Hades's temple a pile of rubble and his other operatives dead, she has a new mission—prevent the entire world from finding out about the temple while single-handedly holding Hades's territory against the rest of the gods. And in less than two days, a documentary crew will get access to the ruins of the temple, and broadcast the truth about the gods' secret wars.Unless...Mnemosyne, goddess of memory, can alter a few memories and make the publicity problem go away. All she wants in return is one human dead—a human who happens to have the power to level entire buildings with a thought.Mal's maybe-ally Bastian offers to provide backup—but nothing is ever free. He needs her help settling an old score against a certain goddess. A goddess named Mnemosyne...
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