Maid of Honor
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From the author of the spicy Summer of Love trilogy--and acclaimed writer of such legendary television love stories as Luke and Laura from "General Hospital," Megan and Jake from "One Life to Live," and Patch and Kayla from "Days of Our Lives"--comes three new provocative romance novels. Each one is a thrilling story by itself, and together, an enticing drama of men and women pursuing their dreams, desires, and private passions in ANOTHER SUMMER OF LOVE....

Heir to the D'Uberville Motor Company fortune, Drew Symington and his wife Samantha are accustomed to the blue blood graces of Woodland Cliffs, Illinois. But the heady social whirl of Washington, D.C., is far different. Sam, still the daredevil automotive genius, has been asked to serve on the elite Industrial Economic Committee. Planning to work closely with her is ambitious young Senator Amos Kilmont, a man of silky charm...with a dark, lurking hunger in his heart. Drew, lonely and confused by Sam's intoxication with the Senator, seeks comfort in Natalie, Amos's pretty niece, who cares for the Symingtons' small daughter. Natalie knows what Drew desires, and is eager to please him. Sam's sister Melinda Myles, meanwhile, is on location in San Domenico for her new movie, when she finds herself wrestling with the lusty advances of Jorge Alvarro, the troubled country's president. But when revolution suddenly erupts in the tropical paradise, a surprising betrayal abandons her to the mercy of the rebels. Now, as Sam desperately reaches out to help her sister, Amos makes his move...a shrewd and shocking scheme to save Melinda's life, and destroy Sam and Drew's love forever....
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    • First Edition
    • Jul-1995
    • Pocket
    • Mass Market Paperback
    • ISBN: 0671534041
    • ISBN13: 9780671534042

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