Love's True Fate
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Emma Hamilton was the daughter of an important baron and did not mind that there was no other woman in all of England who could be found with a sword in her hand or birthing the horses. She would never care, for this is who fate allowed her to be. Now that she had turned eighteen, Emma supposed it was time to act like a lady and knew she could perform the part sufficiently, but just chose not to…until he entered her life. The man was a ferocious looking beast with muscular thighs, a powerful chest and the darkest eyes she had ever seen. The Baron Gabriel Braxton also had a hard and cruel reputation who possessed the fiercest of armies and was feared by those on both sides of the border. And he was absolutely frightening. King Henry demanded a marriage that would unite these two families and bring peace where he knew it would otherwise never be. No one could have predicted the death and destruction nor the fiery passions that arose when the two converged. Fate brought them together but could easily tear them apart...
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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2013
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1482704358
    • ISBN13: 9781482704358

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