Lost Roses of Ganymede House
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When Sara Scott took the postion at Ganymede House as a governess, she thought she would bring cheer to the gloom. But soon she grew as cautious as the other inhabitants. What evil secrets did locked doors and the scent of roses keep in the depths of Ganymede?

Orphaned and impoverished, Sarah Scott knew she must give up her dreams of a London social season. She didn't expect that being a governess on a remote Yorkshire estate would be the merriest job in the world, but she wasn't prepared for the hostile, silent, suspicious atmosphere of bleak Ganymede House. What manner of family was this, where the chill silence matched the menacing fog that hovered behind the great mansion where the cliffs dropped off so sharply to the roiling sea below? Why was the beautiful portrait of the former mistress of Ganymede House hidden in a locked chamber, and why did the mysterious scent of roses permeate even those rooms whose doors were never opened? Why did the handsome, brooding master of the house never look Sarah in the eye, and why did the children never smile? Sarah was determined to bring warmth and cheer to Ganymede House, but instead she found herself growing silent, too - silent, cautious, suspicious. For the more she learned, the more she probed beneath the surface, the more clearly she sensed the evil that held the house in thrall. Until she realized that she was in mortal danger.
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    • Mar-2016
    • Winter's Eve Books
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Mar-2016
    • Smashwords
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 0988430789
    • ISBN13: 9780988430785

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