Lost in Paradise
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When a Manhattan businesswoman and a reclusive French artist are stranded together on a deserted island, opposites attract...and sparks fly. But with love shimmering on the horizon, will they survive to claim their happy ending?

Nicole Morella boards a private Mediterranean cruise with one goal: to reclaim herself after her divorce. When she sits next to a beautiful blonde in the ship's lounge, she's knocked off balance by the immediate attraction between them, and it's not just because Nicole hasn't found her sea legs yet. Fiona stirs things in Nicole that haven't been stirred in a long time, but a fiery kiss turns dangerous when the ship is hijacked. The women launch a daring escape, leaving them adrift in an empty lifeboat.

Fiona Boone has been adrift most of her life, but never in such a literal sense. She's a survivor, though, so when they land on a deserted island, Fiona's ready to do whatever it takes to stay alive until they're rescued. In the meantime, she can't get enough of the feisty woman she's stranded with, despite her usual fiercely independent nature. Although they're lost, Fiona finds something unexpected in the comfort of Nicole's touch. But when an injury puts her life in jeopardy, they begin to worry help won't arrive in time. If she survives their ordeal, Fiona might just face her biggest challenge yet: falling in love.
People / Creatures
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2019
    • Rachel Lacey
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1732151954
    • ISBN13: 9781732151956

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