Lorenzo & Lily
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A second chance at love.
A child of which he never knew.
A secret that could tear their renewed love apart.

Prince Lorenzo knows duty. He almost died for it on a battlefield. When he returned, battered and broken, he fell in love during his recovery. He never told anyone about her; she was his secret, his salvation, his reward.

She was the love of his life.

Yet, she left him with no warning, and guarding secrets of her own.

Years later, he sees her again. She's back, and this time she's not alone.

She has a four-year-old child " his child! " and he's decided he's never letting go, of either of them. They'll make a new life together in Valleria's seaside town of Masillia, where he runs a recovery centre for returning soldiers and Valleria's main seaport, along with his royal duties.

Cecilia “Lily” Brionne is a survivor. Forced apart from Lorenzo, then forced to keep their child a secret from him, she was also tossed aside by her Italian high-society family when she refused to reveal the identity of her child's father.

She's survived pain, loneliness, and poverty to provide for their child. Now that Lorenzo's back in her life " and determined to be a family " she'll have to work harder to hide the truth of their break up.
That secret, if revealed, could tear the royal family apart.

It could also tear her and Lorenzo apart again.

This time, for good.

*Please note: This novel contains content suitable for mature audiences only, and contains discussion of sensitive topics that may be considered triggers.
*This is a standalone book in the series, with no cliffhanger. However, you may prefer to read the other books in the series first.
Meet the Royals of Valleria, a country as old as the fall of the Roman Empire. The reigning king and patriarch rules with his beloved queen. Nine children, now grown, ranging from the eldest twins to the youngest son, watch over the country they love and care for. Bound by honor, duty, and each other, follow their lives as they fall in love, face tragedies, and triumph against the evils facing them.

Want more Royals?
Book 1: Alexander & Rebecca
Book 2: Marcello & Grace
Book 3: Arianna & Finn
Book 4: Charlotte & Nate
Book 5: A Royal Holiday (Novella)
Book 6: Catharine & Edward
Book 7: Royally Ever After
Book 8: Lorenzo & Lily
Book 9: (coming late 2017)

Box Set: Books 1-3
Box Set: Books 4-6
Box Set: Books 7-9 (coming late 2017)

Coming in 2017! The first three books in the Seaside Valleria series, a spin-off series set on Valleria's shores, centering around the folks at the local pub, the Seashell, where royals have been known to pop in from time-to-time!
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    • First Edition
    • Dec-2016
    • Marianne Knightly
    • eBook
    • Dec-2016
    • Marianne Knightly
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Dec-2016
    • Marianne Knightly
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1942729103
    • ISBN13: 9781942729105

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