Kingdom Come
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From USA Today's bestselling author, Terri E. Laine comes a new delicious, fanning yourself HOT, and page turning novel, Kingdom Come, featuring Connor King. This is the first book in the Kingdom Come duet. All books are available.This novel is strong as Megan March's books, which takes us all in one breath, Meg, Amazon reviewerShe's a princess and I'm no prince.I've got more skeletons in my closet than a graveyard.I don't do girlfriends or relationships not on my terms.Those include me being called Sir in and outside of my club.When Lizzy Monroe is put in my path, the best thing she could do is walk away.As beautiful as she is, the last thing I'm looking for is arm candy.My club isn't just for entertainment, but information gathering.I will bring down those that have wronged me.The last thing I need is a woman getting in the way of that.But when a bet is made and a DTF text received,Who am I not to accept the challenge?Only one taste isn't enough.By the time this is over, one of us will break.And it isn't supposed to be me.Kingdom Come is book one of the Kingdom Come Duet (both books are available), set in the same world as the King Maker series. However you do not need to read the King Maker trilogy to enjoy this deliciously sinful story.
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