Just Another Day In The Life
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It's an all out mob war in The Bronx.

When seven million dollars disappears from a Las Vegas casino, the number one suspect is a mid-level Vegas mobster named Anthony. The problem is Anthony has vanished without a trace along with the money.

Casino owner, a powerful mob boss named Viny Boots calls upon the highly regarded skills of organization hit man Michael DeSousa to track down Anthony and bring the stolen cash home. This takes Michael back to the Bronx in New York City where he and Anthony grew up in the legendary section known as Little Italy. Once in the neighborhood of his roots, Michael begins to track down Anthony's movements by visiting old friends and his childhood sweetheart Caroline. Even though Michael hasn't been home in twenty years he is still deeply in love with her and her with him. As the trail to Anthony heats up, so does Michael's rekindled romance with Caroline. When he finally does catch up with Anthony, Michael is shocked to learn that Anthony stole the money to escape the mob and run away with his longtime girlfriend from The Bronx. Michael is left with little choice. In order to satisfy the mob he must kill Anthony and return the stolen money to Viny and in doing so Michael knows he will lose the only woman he has ever loved and his own soul. The choice is simple. Money or love.
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