Jonah after Nineveh
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Pandemics have become the new norm in the global world. Amie Sinclair, 25, is a nurse who gets conscripted to work in a remote hospital camp after she abandoned a former post and an assignment to the worst of all medical camps, Nineveh. Instead, she ends up at a military medical tent city that treats only diseased children, most of whom will not survive. Right away she clashes with the Chief Nursing Officer of the camp, Colonel Catherine Shoal, and the Director of Camp Security, Major Mark Altizer. As she slips into a state of deep depression, hallucinations, and suicidal thoughts, she bonds with a young black child the staff has named Jonah because he has no name or known history. He is one of countless children who arrive by helicopter the same way, day after day. No one can get him to talk as he becomes trapped in a deadly medical state known as failure-to-thrive, though Amie is able to produce just enough of a final spark of life in him to save her from her own demise. In the end, she is able to do something that has eluded her from childhood on, forgive, beginning with herself, and to come to terms with the true meaning of mercy.
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    • Dec-2020
    • C.N. Bean
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    • Two Witness Productions
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