Jade Crew: Captive Bear
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Darren Shaw never asked to be put in charge. But when his Alpha is forced to leave for several days someone must be left to run the crew. The position isn't what he expected, and almost immediately he's forced into a delicate balance of being the leader the Jade Crew needs, and pursuing his own interests with the amazing woman who has just walked into his life. The last thing Kierra Valcke wants is to be seen with a shifter. She's running for mayor of Genesis Valley and her campaign is strictly anti-shifter. Her heart, however, seems to have different ideas on what it is she truly wants. So when pictures of her locking lips with a steamy bear shifter are spread around town, she needs to decide what's more important to her, becoming mayor, or the man she may just be falling for. Neither of them can seem to abide by their own rules, and when the public discovers what Kierra's been up to, they may not be willing to forgive her choice. As she gets swept up in the mystery that surrounds Darren, his crew and the Valley as a whole, the pair are forced to test the limits to which they will go for each other, and for what they believe in. Can they withstand the growing darkness as one, or will the emergence of a new player in the game thwart their desire for love?
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    • Jun-2016
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1533293031
    • ISBN13: 9781533293039

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