It's Okay to Cry
  • Published:
    Mar-2020 (Hardcover)
  • Formats:
    Print / eBook
  • Main Genre:
    General Fiction
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It's natural to cry. That's why we have tears in our eyes. In this award-winning Kathryn the Grape book, readers experience people of all ages crying both sad and happy tears during everyday life moments. It's Okay to Cry is also a song with videos to support multiple learning styles and abilities.National Association of Parenting Products (NAPPA) AwardFamily Choice AwardAward-Winning Children's SeriesKathryn the Grape has earned over 60 awards for excellence in positive family-friendly media. Parents, grandparents, caregivers, and educators appreciate Kathryn the Grape's books because the narrative of every story has a real purpose and features illustrated characters representing diverse abilities, ages, and ethnicities. Kathryn the Grape provides a trio of media options in books, songs, and videos to help support all learning styles and abilities.For Young Readers-Kathryn the Grape Grows with ChildrenKathryn the Grape Let's Read Together Series: Starting with nursery rhymes, Kathryn the Grape meets children as toddlers and grows into mindfully inclusive social-emotional learning stories with simple and rhythmic storytelling. The expansive Kathryn the Grape Let's Read Together Series is well suited for children of various reading levels from ages three to seven.Kathryn the Grape Affirmation Series: As children continue to grow, so does Kathryn the Grape. Bridging the gap between simple illustrated stories and chapter books, the seven-book Kathryn the Grape Affirmation Series is perfect for eager readers ages six to eight. Its first-person storytelling introduces social-emotional mental health wellness concepts of self-reliance, compassion, vulnerability, internal dialogue, thoughtful decision-making, acceptance, empowerment, self-worth, and positive affirmations.About Kathryn the Grape-Purple-Powered PositivityKathryn Cloward is Kathryn the Grape. She was inspired to bring her childhood nickname to life as an illustrated character to be a messenger of heart-centered stories and songs featuring positive, compassionate, empowering, and inclusive topics. Mindful of multigenerational households and caregiving, Kathryn creates this series to be shared with children and adults together. She is passionate and purposeful in her desire to provide people of all ages with simple and relatable tools for navigating life while providing educational and entertaining content. Dressed in the replica of her favorite purple outfit from childhood, Kathryn the Grape is engaging for children as an illustrated character in books and on-screen plus as a real person in videos and at shows.
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    • First Edition
    • Mar-2020
    • Kandon Unlimited, Inc.
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1970163267
    • ISBN13: 9781970163261
    • Oct-2020
    • Kandon Unlimited, Inc.
    • eBook (Kindle)

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