Invisible Dick: Nobody
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Richard wakes up in a laboratory, completely invisible, with no memory of who he is or how he got there. He uses his bizarre condition to aid in his escape from the lab, and then he hides away in a grocery store.

Once he's positive that he's not being tracked, Richard begins to realize some of the things he can get away with now that he's free with his gift of invisibility…

This story contains sexually graphic scenes.

At just over 3,500 words, Invisible Dick is perfect for a dose of quick or on-the-go er*tica.


Now that he'd gotten started, he had to continue. He stepped forward and crouched, then ran his tongue up the back of her thigh.

She shivered, but she didn't draw away this time. She turned slowly and looked down at Richard -- well, through Richard -- but she didn't try to run again. She just took a deep breath and said, “Hello?"
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