Insurgents of Civilization
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Within the enormous megastructure of Civilization, The Lord Protector watches over the last remnants of human society. It is a paradise of structure, order, and peace. And while it's not entirely perfect--for instance, the nobility retains some of the barbarism of the ancient progenitors that came from Earth--it is a safe harbor for its millions of citizens, most of whom live peaceful and productive lives, cured of unnecessary vices like hunger, lust, and even family.Eric XXII is a model citizen. He's lived his life just as he should, from incubation all the way into his early twenties. So it comes as a surprise for him when one day he is kidnapped by a secret underground society that reveals to him the truth about his existence and shows him he has potential far beyond what he'd ever imagined. And that he's something more than just human. There his world is turned upside down as he's thrust unwittingly into a secret, ongoing war between the overwhelming forces of Civilization and a tiny superhuman sect of true-believing insurgents.To make matters worse, he discovers romantic feelings for the first time, falling for a remarkable young woman named Bria… who just so happens to already be dating the most fearsome insurgent of them all.Insurgents of Civilization was the first novel written by author Richard L. Sanders (of The Phoenix Conspiracy acclaim) and it, along with its sequel, Insurgents of Wasteland, were written with the encouragement of Richard's cousin, Matthew V. Bills, when they were only sixteen and seventeen years old, respectively. Matt's creativity and feedback proved invaluable. Richard finished writing both books in 2004 and they've never been made available to the public. Until now!
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