I Love How You Love Me
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    Contemporary Romance
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Suddenly single at age 55, Levi sets out on a determined quest to find "the one". His brother derides him, and his sister has her doubts, but even after all this time, Levi still believes in true love.
As always, life takes its twists and turns, as it leads him down roads which are entirely unexpected, and it's a rollicking ride with emotional highs and romantic lows all along the way.
Cathy is the cute little manager of a shoe store, always happy and fun to be with. Beautiful Lynda is interested in him, which is always a good thing, but she has a screw loose and he's pretty sure she's not the one. Widowed Carolyn has shut herself down, and his sister thinks he needs to help her, somehow, but he's not sure Carolyn is really on board with all of this. And then Ann shows up, she's an old friend and workmate from twenty years ago. The flame is rekindled and immediately burns just as brightly as it did way back then, but what is it that Levi's really searching for? He was a bit uncertain as he began this quest and he's still a bit unsure, but things do eventually come together as he wends his way through the ensuing dates and all of the escapades that come along with them. .
He comes to find that he's no more mature, emotionally, than he was all those years ago, but that's good in a way, as his feelings run strong and true. It's a bumpy ride along the way, but he hopes it will all pay off in the end.
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    • First Edition
    • Mar-2014
    • Dave Stone
    • eBook
    • Mar-2014
    • Smashwords
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1310710414
    • ISBN13: 9781310710414

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