Hitman on Campus
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I was told to keep her close â€" what's closer than in my bed? Caleb I'm deadly and dangerous - not to mention completely irresistible. The youngest hitman the Irish mob has ever seen. Not some f*cking bodyguard. But the boss's daughter is heading back to college with a threat on her life, and I can't exactly say no when I'm told to protect her. A few weeks of hot girls and college parties doesn't sound so bad anyway. Except that's not what I get. Alana Sullivan is smoking hot, with a body just made for wrapping around my c*ck, but she doesn't do parties. Or drinking. Or anything remotely fun. F*ck me. She's completely off limits. A good girl with no clue about her dear daddy's activities. And all I can think about is corrupting her - one soul-destroying orgasm at a time. Screw it. I don't play by the rules. If I have to follow her to classes and study groups and - yes, really - the library, I'm going to have some fun. And she'll never know what hit her. Alana I can't stop thinking about the new guy in my classes. He seems to be everywhere I look, and it's driving me crazy. It's not his playboy-looks, cocky attitude or scorchingly-arrogant smile. Well...maybe a little. But I swear he's different. Covered in tattoos, rough and dangerous like nothing I've ever known - and he talks dirty. Like filthy, panty-melting suggestions that make me want to slap him and kiss him at the same time. He's so not my type. I don't do bad boy jerks with one-track minds. But what kind of bad boy never misses a class and turns up at the library every day? He's hiding something. And I'm going to find out what it is.
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People / Creatures
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    • Nov-2016
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1543132987
    • ISBN13: 9781543132984
    • Nov-2016
    • Signet Publishing
    • eBook (Kindle)

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