Hidden Treasure
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Young Sarah lost her mom at age 3. Weeks later, in this world, a missed call meant baseball's collusion plans fell apart. Salaries rose and players moved more than expected. Owners had to find other ways to stop the rise, and teams moved.

Now, Sarah and those she surrounds herself with in and around Treasure Island, Florida experience the ups and downs of the Florida White Sox - formerly of Chicago. In the off-season, she dabbles in things like snooping around a big will contest that includes a murder mystery. Mostly, though, she buries herself in baseball like her dad does in work to help cope with the grief.

She's a walking encyclopedia in this alternate history. But, how will this alternate history play out? The White Sox struggle far more than they did in Chicago after playoff pushes in 1993-4. Labor peace may have come in this world's '94, but with owners fighting steroids early instead in an attempt to keep salaries down, a strike may come later instead. And, more franchise moves may be on the way.

Will Sarah wind up in a career in sports, where she seems to be a natural? Or, will her struggles and need for acceptance and certainty lead her elsewhere?
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2021
    • Lulu.com
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1716186404
    • ISBN13: 9781716186400

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