Hex Messages
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    Dark Fantasy
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YOU THINK YOU KNOW THE WORLD OF MAGICAL BOARDING SCHOOLS? NOT FROM A TEACHER'S PERSPECTIVE AT A SCHOOL FOR AT-RISK YOUTH.Visions, ghosts, or a deadly curse? Clarissa Lawrence has survived her battle with the Raven Queen and overthrown the old regime. She is no longer an art teacher at Womby's School for Wayward Witches but helping Vega Bloodmire run her school for misfit children and teenagers with the rare Red affinity. Once forbidden by the Fae, this form of magic is now considered valuable because Red affinities can help the Fae overcome their fertility problems. Clarissa is now queen of the Red Court and tasked with running and repairing a shattered kingdom.As if this isn't enough on Clarissa's plate, she encounters a mysterious gift placed on her desk. Someone leaves cryptic messages, and she is haunted by strange visions of people from her past.People who are dead.Is this a manifestation of her powers in forbidden magic related to necromancy? Or is someone using magic to target her now that she is a new queen.This is a novella that takes place after Clarissa Lawrence becomes queen in the Womby's School for Wayward Witches Series.Get a little more cozy with this hexy mystery.
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    • First Edition
    • Oct-2022
    • Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
    • Trade Paperback

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