Harlow's Miracle
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Harlow They say life isn't fair and during the course of my life, I've found that to be beyond true. Years ago, my old man and I faced an unimaginable heartbreak when tragedy struck the club. The devastation of that day has kept me from giving him the one thing we both long for—children to call our own.Despite the loss of our unborn child, getting involved in a project with my sister, Harlee, and being able to assist those the world calls throwaways has helped ease the burden my soul carries. She's been the rock in my crazy world, my older sister who I've shared everything with and the one who sheltered me from the harsh realities we faced when we were in foster care.So, when she calls and asks me to come, I never expect the news I receive. Bane Next to Harlow, the love of my life, my club is my priority. While it's not a good time for her to be away, when war comes knocking on our doors, I'm glad she's not here because the thought of losing her is something I'm unwilling to chance. But when the men I sent with her as protection call and tell me I'm needed, I waste no time getting to my old lady's side, only to have news laid at my feet that nearly lay me low.But Twisted Iron is family and as Harlee tells us her wishes and we set out to make them happen, my brothers and their old ladies rally around us both toward a future that we're dreading.The holidays are full of magic and miracles and this year, they're tinged with sadness and heartbreak. Will Harlee's gift to Bane and Harlow mend their shattered hearts? Or will it drive them apart?
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