Guardian Of The Oasis
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A prickly hedgehog goddess finds herself toe-to-toe with an oasis god.Abaset would rather keep to herself and not have anything to do with most of the other gods, but while helping two of her friends, she finds her oasis unable to move the way it should. When she uncovers the reason for the problem, she finds herself more involved in the plight of another god than she'd like, but there's something about Ash that makes her want to do just that. Will Abaset find someone to share her oasis with?- Guardian Of The Oasis is part of the Forgotten Gods series and is based on Egyptian mythology. It includes a dash of adventure, a m/f romance, and can be read as a standalone.If you enjoy Egyptian mythology, gods and goddesses, quests and adventures, and a modern setting, then you should start the Forgotten Gods series!
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