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She looked at her cards. She had all spades (flush). She turned to Laurel.
"I pass," he said and threw his cards in. He glared at Rose, "I can pass too!"
I'm not passing," Clinton said, "I bet two thousand!" He stared at Rose, "You going to pass on this one too?"
She shook her head slowly and placed two thousand in the pot.
"Now deal me one card!" He yelled. He threw away one card from his hand. It flipped over revealing a ten of spades.
Rose looked up at him, "Do I deal you one from the top of the deck or the bottom?"
He looked at her hard, and yelled, "What are you suggesting, Young Lady?"
"Sorry sir," she said. She could feel the tears coming up in her eyes. "I don't know how to play this game. I am only asking."
"From the top!" Clinton snarled.
Rose dealt him the card and looked at him.
"You taking any cards this time?" He asked.
She shook her head.
"Then I bet two thousand!"
She looked at his stomach and noticed the pulse rate had increased. The extra card must have helped him, she thought. "You passing?" He demanded.
Rose shook her head. It was all she could do to keep from crying. The man's voice shook her to the bone. She timidly picked up five thousand dollars.
"You drop that, and I'll smash you in the face," he snarled.
"How much can I put in?"
Clinton looked at his stack of money, "Fifteen hundred!"
Rose counted out fifteen hundred and placed it in the pot. Suddenly Rose felt something hit her feet. It frightened her. She kicked her feet hard and sent Laurel back over his chair. His right foot had five hundred dollars stuck between the toes.
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    • First Edition
    • Dec-2019
    • Kenneth Colerick
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1950901327
    • ISBN13: 9781950901326
    • Dec-2019
    • Kenneth Colerick
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1950901335
    • ISBN13: 9781950901333

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