Gallows Wake
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Is the past catching up with the present?Damage to her mast means Sea Witch has to be repaired, but the nearest shipyard is at Gibraltar. Unfortunately for Captain Jesamiah Acorne, several men he does not want to meet are also there, among them, Captain Edward Vernon of the Royal Navy, who would rather see Jesamiah hang.Then there is the spy, Richie Tearle, and manipulative Ascham Doone who has dubious plans of his own. Plans that involve Jesamiah, who, beyond unravelling the puzzle of a dead person who may not be dead, has a priority concern regarding the wellbeing of his pregnant wife, the white witch, Tiola.Forced to sail to England without Jesamiah, Tiola must keep herself and others close to her safe, but memories of the past, and the shadow of the gallows haunt her. Dreams disturb her, like a discordant lament at a wake.But is this the past calling, or the future?Praise for Helen Hollick's Sea Witch VoyagesA wonderful swashbuckler of a read. Fans of the Pirates of the Caribbean will will love this to pieces of eight!Elizabeth ChadwickHelen Hollick has it all. She tells a great story, gets her history right, and writes consistently readable books!Bernard CornwellA stylish blend of mystery, betrayal, intrigue, smuggling, murder, love, sex, Barbary pirates, and mysticism - all neatly wrapped in a spirited sea tale.QuarterdeckA story populated with fictional characters that bring the eighteenth century to life - A pirate adventure you won't forget. Cindy Vallar Pirates & Privateers(This title contains adult language and some violence)
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    • First Edition
    • Sep-2022
    • Taw River Press
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1739937147
    • ISBN13: 9781739937140

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