Forest of Fear
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    Romantic Suspense
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Fledgling writer Carol Leslie greeted her first professional assignment for This Living Wilderness magazine with a mixture of delight and dismay. For two years the pretty brown-haired young woman had worked as a secretary for the conservation publication developing her writing skills under the tutelage of Allison James, her roommate and a seasoned professional. But when Al abruptly quit her job on the magazine and disappeared midway through an important assignment, Carol was selected to replace--and, if possible, find--her mentor.

Having grown up in the North Country, the densely wooded northeastern section of New Brunswick, Carol was familiar with the locale for the assignment. She took up residence at Salmon River Lodge, a three-story mansion that had been converted to a fishing lodge. According to local legend, it was this very site at which peg-legged One-Eyed Jack had buried his pirate treasure two centuries before. When Carol questioned aloof and enigmatic Steven Hale, a free-lance writer and naturalist who lived in the area, she was informed that Allison had discovered some startling facts about the location of the treasure.

Sure that this was the clue to her friend's disappearance, Carol too began to seek the treasure, never dreaming that her search for Allison would end in a face-to-face confrontation with the ghost of One-Eyed Jack himself!
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