Foggy's Blog
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I am Morten Astley Fogarty â€" call centre worker and all-round entertainer. Although I have an extremely rewarding career answering the phones at Perypils Insurance (customers are always telling me what a total brick I am), my ambition is to perform on the stage. I am, after all, named after two of the greatest singers of the 1980's.
I often duet with my girlfriend Myra, who has a fantastic singing voice too. She has asked me to consider a three-way, so if I can find the right person to perform with us, we might even become the next Earth, Wind and Fire!
My colleagues are a wonderful bunch and are always doing little things to brighten my day. Only yesterday, I returned from lunch to find they'd re-arranged the letters O, K, N, B on my keyboard. We do have such fun!
I am delighted to share my incredible life with you via my amazing blog.
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