Flesh - Book Two
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To you, my name will always be Sir.

"I want him. It infects every subconscious thought I have. Those two pale, blue eyes, gazing down on me with desire. The feel of his hands wandering over my curves. The taste of his lips. The mint on his breath."

Amy Underwood can't seem to get over her scene with the gorgeous, blue-eyed dominant at Flesh. While her thoughts linger on her wild weekend though, life continues on as normal. She has a job to do, and that involves convincing a very high-profile client that her company's services outmatch the competition. That's easier said than done when her mind is so distracted, and she's beginning to realize that everything she thought she wanted might not be what she needs.

Heat level: Spicy!

This is the second book in the Flesh Series by Sky Corgan.
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