Every Time You're Near
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    Historical Romance
  • Time Period:
    15th Century 19th Century Regency (1811-1820) Victorian (1837-1901)
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They shared a past. They were earned enemies. One foolish decision changed Amelia Covington's life forever. After the Earl of Richfield discovered her sunbathing the year of her come-out, a fiery affair ensued. It was a passion that didn't last. For three years, the two ex-lovers have avoided each other. But when Amelia's parents embezzle opium money from a powerful investor and leave Amelia to answer for the crime, she does the only thing she can think of—she hides as a maid in the home of the man who'd stolen her heart and her innocence. Ruining her ruined him, and if unrequited love hasn't killed him yet, nothing can. Mitchell Harrison, Seventh Earl of Richfield, is shocked when he finds the woman he once adored serving as a maid in his house. Their passion for hatred is as great as their passion for love. Despite their tumultuous history, he's compelled to protect her when he learns that her parents have abandoned her to ruthless debt collectors and a dangerous opium dealer whose crimes include preying on innocent children. Though he's left behind his former life in a covert justice organization, he reluctantly agrees to one final mission: either hand over Amelia for interrogation or track down the degenerate abuser and put an end to his sinister activities. Mitchell is prepared to brave it all to save her, even if it costs him his life. He learned how to die a long time ago. Only her love can show him how to live again. Will Amelia and Mitchell surrender to the intoxicating allure of their shared past, or will the embers of their passion be extinguished forever? Lose yourself in a second-chance romance where whispered promises and stolen kisses ignite a fire that cannot be contained.  Tropes:Enemies to LoversForced ProximityNeighborsSecond Chance romance
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    • First Edition
    • Oct-2021
    • Burlapllama Publishing
    • eBook
    • Oct-2021
    • BurlapLlama Publishing
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Oct-2021
    • Burlapllama Publishing
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1736794620
    • ISBN13: 9781736794623

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