Ever After
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Confirmed bachelor Hal Stensson is working diligently at producing his Nashville magazine, Cityscape, still missing his son who's now on his own in a distant city. Hal had raised him alone since a tragic accident killed Hal's wife fifteen years earlier, leaving him little time or inclination to get romantically involved with anyone. Yet suddenly, he has a number of women enter his life and engage his interest: Mihaela, the intriguing Romanian who assists the FBI in a sting; Marian, a socialite with aspirations to help the homeless; and Grace, a librarian who has a secret dark side. In a tangle of romantic outings, misunderstandings, his life becomes ever more complicated. Hal's confused feelings about the direction of his life lead him to a spiritual awakening, giving him peace of mind and allowing him to forge a lasting relationship with his heart's desire.
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