Don't Feed the Trolls
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    Epic Fantasy
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Zorya is a dreamweaver, a mystical being who mediates disputes between the realm of magic and the realm of mortal. After a 400-year nap, Zorya rises once more to find the waking world a different place than she remembered. With her trusty spirit sidekick at her side, she sets out to find a new place in the world through adventures that take her beneath the sea, into the sky, to the edge of the world, and back again. Quotes::About time,: linked the tree, its great trunk obscuring the sky as it loomed behind Zorya, a solemn monolith in the sunlight. :Did you have a nice nap?: it asked angrily.:I am sorry,: Zorya answered sincerely. :When first I came to you, I was injured and half-drunk, and you were barely a sapling. It did not occur to me to ask before. relieving myself against your side.:-Zorya hesitated, silently scolding herself for not having asked Sortha what is was that had been stolen. She shrugged and said, "Alright, so I am a fool."No. " said the creature slowly. "A fool can never admit when they have been foolish. So. you wish to take the spoon from me?"Zorya paused. "I came all this way for a spoon? It better be a magickal spoon."-Zorya gestured at the mirror. "Why does your reflection cast and not mine? Are these mirrors enchanted then?"In a sense," Moknok answered. "Glass reflects differently here in Mardinok. It doesn't show how one actually looks but how one sees their inner self. You see yourself as invisible, Wolfskull, so you are invisible."-"No," Zorya said, "because you lack any and all ability to adapt. Things that can not change disappear, and you can not change, my lady." Queen Farian bared her teeth in a grimace. "Keep your pity, dreamshaper!"If only I could," Zorya said regretfully. "When I walk the human realm, I can see the soul of everything and everyone. I know what they feel, how they ache, what they dream, and I know we are all connected, as the stars are connected by their shared sky. The air binds us, the earth, the w
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2018
    • Ash Gray
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1386387843
    • ISBN13: 9781386387848

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