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Carmine I have to admit, my college crush telling me I was everything he'd been looking for on the same day my life went to hell in a hand basket wasn't as great as I thought it'd be.Mostly because he meant it in more of a scientific way than a take me now, you scarecrow of a man sort of way.Sean is brilliant. He's on the verge of a breakthrough in biomagical research that could change everything, not just for the magical community but for the entire world. All he needs is proof that his theories are true... And I might just be it.Remember my life in that hand basket? Sean decides to come along for the ride as I try to outrun the people I thought were on my side. The people who manipulated me into working against everything I believe in. The same people who also want Sean dead and his research in their hands.It's not all terrifying: Sean is still a sexy, adorkable geek. And my heart still does that funny flutter thing whenever I see him. The fact we can't keep our hands off each other definitely makes the moments of sheer terror a little easier to handle.
People / Creatures
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