Diary of a Journey Through Hell
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Hell really does exist

When Robert told Rachel that death had taken his girlfriend, she thought she had died; she did not realise that he meant Death with a capital D.

When he said they needed to journey through Hell to rescue her, she thought he was speaking figuratively.

When she agreed to accompany him, she never dreamt that it would take so long, or that it would change her entire life.

Together they soon discover that Hell is nothing like either of them were expecting and nobody is really what they really seem, especially their guide. They are forced to face life threatening dangers and overcome challenges set by Hades, ruler of Hell, and his offspring as proof that they are worthy of reclaiming Tammara.

As their journey progresses, they are left wondering who can really be trusted and they soon realise that their friendship as well as their lives are at risk. Just as the journey reaches its conclusion, an unforeseen betrayal leaves Rachel wondering if she will have to make an unimaginable sacrifice or is there is a way to save herself from being trapped in Hell for all eternity.

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    • First Edition
    • Jul-2016
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1515192709
    • ISBN13: 9781515192701

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